
What is the difference between a simple mandate and an exclusive/privilege mandate?

The simple mandate is a type of contract that contemplates the possibility of putting the same property for sale or rent in several agencies at the same time. This means that this document does not give commercial exclusivity to any of the contracted real estate agencies. 

On the contrary, the exclusive mandate or privilege mandate, is a type of contract that requires the owner to market his property, either for sale or rent, through a single real estate agency.

Advantages of an exclusive contract

As a result of your loyalty and commitment, as you will see below, by signing this type of mandate, you benefit from a unique set of advantages.

The benefits of signing an exclusive mandate with Valords are:

  • Access to a premium communication plan, including visibility on +10 international portals, +7 national portals and +10 national and international magazines and press.
  • Access to extra value tools: Google Adwords campaigns, Facebook Ads, 3D views of the property…
  • Segmentación correcta y estudio de los clientes potenciales para su vivienda.
  • Capacidad de localización de compradores realmente activos. Está demostrado que este tipo de cliente encuentra su vivienda de forma sencilla desde una única fuente si la información ofrecida es de calidad. No le hará falta más agencias para una misma propiedad.
  • El mandato exclusivo exige unos estándares de calidad en el servicio a la agencia inmobiliaria, por lo que si no está satisfecho es totalmente revocable.

Why do we advise you signing exclusive mandate instead of several simple mandates?

The main disadvantage of having several simple mandates with different agencies, is the multiplication of the same information in the main publication channels such as real estate websites.

This careless presentation of your home generates a negative view that the buyer takes advantage of:

  • It may presuppose an urgent situation on your part to sell the property.
  • The buyer will not hesitate to take a more aggressive position when it comes to negotiating and trying to lower the price. If he does not succeed with an agency he will end up pressing to get it with another one.

Therefore, you lose a fundamental power of force when negotiating with the buyer.

As far as the quality of service is concerned:

  • It will be more important for agencies to make hasty and careless decisions, in order to show more quickly a supposed "efficiency" of their service. 

E.g.: Not contrasting properly the purchase capacity of a client, the origin of their funds, or the discovery of their identity, which could generate a waste of time with visits and management that would cause a problem in the final process of buying and selling.

This situation added to a very high price will end up "burning the product" faster.